Posts tagged COVID-19
Cybermisogyny & COVID-19 (WSN)

Are you familiar with cybermisogyny? This is your opportunity to learn more about it. The IFPTE Women’s Solidarity Network (WSN) is spotlighting an upcoming online presentation on June 17 at 5:30 EDT hosted by the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) and YWCA Canada on cybermisogyny and COVID-19.

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IFPTE Joins Labor Effort to Ensure PPP Program Resources Go to Preserve Jobs

As the House is set to consider a bill aimed at allowing employers to shift taxpayer funded Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) resources from preserving jobs elsewhere, IFPTE signed onto a UNITE-HERE crafted letter to Congressional leadership urging them to "hold firm and not negotiate away incentives to retain, re-hire, pay or continue health benefits for workers while getting nothing in return.”

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Not Letting a Crisis Go To Waste, FLRA Seeks to Silence Federal Unions During COVID Pandemic

House Federal Operations Subcommittee Chairman Gerry Connolly led a sign-on letter today informing FLRA Chairperson Kiko that, “It is unacceptable that the FLRA and the Trump Administration would take this radical and unprecedented action to restrict the rights of federal employees as they work around the clock to keep our country safe amid this global coronavirus pandemic.”

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Reps. Norcross and Smith Lead Bipartisan Bicameral Letter to House and Senate Leadership on Including Relief for Unions in Paycheck Protection Program

Congressmen Donald Norcross (D-NJ-01) and Chris Smith (R-NJ-04) led a bipartisan letter cosigned by the entire NJ Congressional Delegation to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Leader Kevin McCarthy, Leader Mitch McConnell and Leader Chuck Schumer as part of their effort to amend the critical COVID-19 Paycheck Protection Program to include both labor and business member organizations, allowing them to tap into the loan program and sustain staff during the economic crisis.

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