Posts tagged Canada
Cybermisogyny & COVID-19 (WSN)

Are you familiar with cybermisogyny? This is your opportunity to learn more about it. The IFPTE Women’s Solidarity Network (WSN) is spotlighting an upcoming online presentation on June 17 at 5:30 EDT hosted by the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) and YWCA Canada on cybermisogyny and COVID-19.

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Mobilization Alert: Manitoba Federation of Labour Launches Campaign to Support Working Families

Because Manitoba is the only Provincial government in Canada not offering financial assistance to workers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Manitoba Federation of Labour (MFL), of which IFPTE Locals 161 and 162 are affiliated, is asking activists and members to call on Manitoba premier Brian Pallister to “help working families at a time when they need it most.”

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Open Letter to Premier Ford: Provide Emergency Support for All Workers and Vulnerable Ontarians During COVID-19

In providing the Ford Government with a comprehensive list of measures to be taken to protect workers and the most vulnerable during the coronavirus pandemic, the OFL warned Premier Ford and his top leaders that, “Now is not the time to be worried about balancing the budget; in the short run, critical next steps, resources, and protections are required and required immediately.”

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