Posts tagged endorsement
Joyce Wants to Take Union Issues to the Kansas Legislature and Needs Our Help

Matthew Joyce, who is running for Kansas’ 81st House District and has been endorsed by both IFPTE and Kansas National Education Association (KNEA), is reaching out to the IFPTE family for support, writing that, “With the endorsement of IFPTE, I am asking for your assistance with my campaign, to elect a union friendly candidate with a one time or monthly donation.”

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Union points to private sector labor law reform as urgent need for working families

The IFPTE Executive Council voted overwhelmingly to endorse former Vice President Joe Biden for President of the United States. In addition to speaking out on the failed policies of the current Administration on bread and butter issues facing working families, IFPTE pointed to the Vice President’s strong support for the PRO Act, which aims to bring fairness back to private sector union organizing drives, a major reason for the endorsement.

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