President Trump issued an executive order that will allow political appointees to be embedded into the career federal civil service, open the door for the dismantling of collective bargaining units, and render workers, including IFPTE represented Administrative Law Judges, as at-will employees.
Read MoreIFPTE authored a statement condemning the attacks on peaceful protesters in Portland, Oregon being conducted on agents on the United States government.
Read MoreThe IFPTE family was saddened to learn of the passing of one of our nation’s most courageous and influential men, Congressman John Robert Lewis. He was an icon of the Civil Rights movement, peacefully marching in the 1960s across the South and in Washington, DC against the racism, bigotry, and hatred that engulfed much of the nation.
Read More"We stand arm-in-arm with those calling for the demilitarization of police forces across the country with the money reallocated not only to support local communities, but also to build new infrastructure and to improve the training, culture, and community engagement of police departments." - IFPTE International President, Paul Shearon
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High-skill guestworker visa reform is urgently needed as IFPTE members at TVA face losing jobs to H-1B dependent outsourcing firms
Read MoreOn Monday, May 25, George Floyd, a Black man, was murdered by an officer of the Minneapolis Police Department. Our sadness is eclipsed only by our outrage that once again a Black man has fallen victim to the homicidal actions of a police officer. Mr. Floyd's tragic death serves as another reminder of the brutality, racial profiling, and systematic oppression inflicted upon Black men and women, and upon people of color in the United States every day.
Read MoreDespite millions of workers losing jobs due the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) continues to move full steam ahead to unnecessarily outsourcing hundreds of IT jobs.
Read MoreIFPTE President Paul Shearon released the following statement applauding last night’s unanimous passage in the Senate of HR 748, a bill funding a wide range of federal initiatives in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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