Canadian Council of IFPTE Locals Meets in Winnipeg
Officers and staff from IFPTE’s Locals in Canada held their annual meeting last week in Winnipeg. The meeting, which is the first in-person meeting since the pandemic and was chaired by WAPSO/IFPTE Local 162 President/Canadian Area Vice President, Richard Mahe, focused on the issues of importance impacting IFPTE members at IFPTE Locals 160, 161, 162 and 222.
Among the major items of discussion were upcoming Local contract negotiations, IFPTE organizing efforts, and planning for the legislative conference to occur in December. Also in attendance were SUP/IFPTE Local 160 President/Canadian Area Vice President Michelle Johnston; SCMMA Local 222 President Jackie Morley; SCMMA Local 222 Vice President Lana Dobbs; TEAM/IFPTE Local 161 Executive Director Erin Spencer; WAPSO/IFPTE Local 162 Executive Director Keith Bellamy; IFPTE International Representative Bill Fitzpatrick, and; IFPTE President Matt Biggs.
LtoR; Bill Fitzpatrick; Matt Biggs; Erin Spencer (TEAM/IFPTE Local 161); Richard Mahe (WAPSO/IFPTE Local 162); Keith Bellamy (WAPSO/IFPTE Local 162); Michelle Johnston (SUP/IFPTE Local 160); Lana Dobbs (SCMMA/IFPTE Local 222); Jackie Morley (SCMMA/IFPTE Local 222)