IFPTE’s issue briefs for 2025 are informed by our membership and cover the union’s legislative proprieties across the federal, public, and private sectors.
Click on the links below to download the issue briefs.
Making Federal Compensation Competitive and Protecting Federal Employee Benefits
The Civil Service, the Federal Workforce, and Federal Employee Unions are in Public Interest
Level the Playing Field for Workers – Pass Labor Law Reform
Rampant Abuse of H-1B Work Visa Program Exploits Workers, Offshores Jobs, and Lowers Wages and Labors Standards in STEM Occupations – The Time for Reform is Now
Support Robust and Responsible Federal Assistance for State and Local Government Programs and Services
Congress Must Reject Any Proposal to Create a Fiscal Commission – It’s a Fast Track to Cutting or Privatizing Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Slashing Federal Employee Benefits
Energy Investments and Clean Nuclear Energy are Necessary for Good Jobs, Climate Goals, and Economic Prosperity
Protecting Our Nation’s Veterans – It’s the Least We Can Do
Enact the Social Security 2100 Act - Important Now More Than Ever
Congress Must Oppose Attempts to Restrict Political Speech by Nonprofits
Forging a Trade Framework that Works for Working People, Our Communities, and the Public Interest
Ensuring Secure Accountability for Operation of Army Corps of Engineers Hydroelectric Dams and Navigational Locks and Dams
Army Corps of Engineers Park Rangers Are Inherently Governmental Jobs
Modernize Federal Employee’s Group Life Insurance (FEGLI)
Restoring the Dedicated Budget Line for the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
Adjust San Diego Locality Pay to Enable Federal Agencies to Recruit and Retain a Talented and Dedicated Workforce that Supports Our National Security