IFPTE President, Paul Shearon, commented that “instead of pushing legislation to gut Manitoba’s public sector labour law, the Pallister government should instead be proud that Provincial workers have strong collective bargaining and due process protections, and urge Canadian jurisdictions elsewhere to emulate them, not the other way around. IFPTE urges members to join the Manitoba Federation of Labour’s campaign to defeat Bill 16.”
Read MoreIFPTE continued to urge Congress to approve a robust federal aid package for State and Local governments
Read MoreAALJ-IFPTE Judicial Council 1 President, Judge Melissa McIntosh, and Secretary-Treasurer/Legislative Director, Matt Biggs, participated in an act.tv panel discussion this week highlighting the need for President-Elect Biden to replace the leadership at the Social Security Administration (SSA) on day one of his administration.
Read MoreSign NPEU-IFPTE Local 70’s petition urging ALDF Executive Director Stephen Wells to fire their union-busting law firm, respect the ALDF staff, and voluntarily recognize ALDF United.
Read MoreIFPTE issued the following statements applauding the victories by Reverend Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff for Georgia’s two United States Senate seats.
Read MoreWe are sad to report the passing of Byron Charlton, AFL-CIO legislative representative and friend to IFPTE.
Read MoreFollowing the Association of Administration Law Judges and AFGE Council 220’s overwhelming votes of no confidence in the SSA leaders, IFPTE and AFGE issued a joint statement regarding the SSA Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner.
Read MoreIFPTE calls for “much more meaningful aid to working families, including providing robust funding to our State and Local governments.”
Read MoreThis December, 80 drivers employed by the South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA) and union members of Local 196-11 vote unanimously to ratify their first collective bargaining agreement.
Read MoreAtlantic Area VP and Local 196 President Sean McBride called Pearce “a dedicated leader in our IFPTE family who fought day in and day out for his members.
Read MoreCOVID-19 has impacted groups of workers differently, and recent Statistics Canada data released on unemployment rates show women of colour have been left behind.
Read MoreIFPTE submitted a public comment arguing against any flexibility that weakens the Bank’s commitment to promoting and supporting domestic manufacturing and services and American workers.
Read MoreThe letter emphasized the urgent need for Congress to pass a relief bill that includes federal aid for state and local governments as well as payroll support for aircraft manufacturing industry.
Read MoreDecember 14th marks the eight-year anniversary of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, which claimed the lives of 26
Read MoreCapt. Greg Burton, commander of PHNS, remarked on the lives, legacy, and loss of Agustin and Kapoi
Read MoreThe OFL is urging all political parties in Ontario to support NDP MPP Peggy Sattler’s Private Members Bill, entitled “Stay Home If You Are Sick Act” of 2020.
Read MoreAALJ's survey of membership found that the leadership and policy direction at the Social Security has lost the trust and confidence of the agency's administrative law judges.
Read MoreAhead of the House vote to pass the NDAA, IFPTE's letter called on representatives to support civilian DOD workers, federal employees, and uniformed service members.
Read MoreAs the House prepared to vote on the bipartisan bill, IFPTE, representing thousands of USACE civilian workers penned a letter to Congress in support of the legislation
Read MoreOur union shall never forget December 4th, 2019 when our Local 121 and Hawaii Federal Employees Metal Trades Council Brothers, Ronald Agustin and Vincent Kapoi, Jr, were tragically killed while on the job at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard.
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