IFPTE met with AFL-CIO President, Liz Shuler, to discuss the major legislative issues impacting IFPTE’s diverse membership, including but not limited to the labor movement’s continued support for federal investment in green nuclear energy technologies such as Small Modular Reactors, and the importance of restoring a Biden majority of the Federal Labor Relations Authority.
Read MoreIFPTE President Matt Biggs, Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson, Assistant to the Executive Officers Brian Kildee, and Legislative Director Faraz Khan met this week with John Podesta, President Biden’s top adviser on clean energy technologies and investments.
Read MoreIFPTE President Biggs commented that President Joe Biden has “lived up to his pledge once again by putting forward a budget that will decrease the national deficit, and do so while protecting and strengthening the programs that working families and retirees across the nation depend so heavily on. “
Read More184 Members of Congress joined a comment letter to the U.S. Department of Commerce requesting that federal investments flowing from the CHIPS and Science Act require strong labor standards, commitments to workforce development, support good paying union jobs, and benefit American workers.
Read MoreThe Society of Union Professionals (SUP/IFPTE Local 160) and Canadian Area Vice President, Michelle Johnston and External Relations Director, Mike Belmore, joined unions from across Canada to meet with national lawmakers on Parliament Hill Ottawa this week.
Read MoreBefore the 117th Congress adjourned in late December, IFPTE and OPEIU joined forces in calling on the Senate to confirm President Biden’s nominations to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Board.
Read MoreIFPTE urged Senators to pass the omnibus government funding package which includes several funding and policy priorities that IFPTE advocated for. The current short-term government funding measure expires on December 23.
Read MoreThis week, IFPTE reached out to members of the House of Representatives and the Senate to urge, in the strongest terms possible, to avoid a government shutdown and pass a fiscal year (FY) 2023 government funding budget that supports the priorities and needs of working Americans and retirees.
Read MoreThe Society of United Professionals (SUP/IFPTE Local 160) President Michelle Johnston applauded this week’s announcement by the the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB) that it will invest $970 million in Ontario Power Generation (OPG) to finance the construction of Canada’s first small modular reactor (SMR).
Read MoreThe Society of United Professionals/IFPTE L160 is celebrating the Ontario government’s decision to seek regulatory approval for a life extension of Pickering Nuclear Generating Station to 2026.
Read MoreIFPTE applauds President Biden’s signing of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, particularly the provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 that allow TVA the ability to receive federal incentives to expand its investment in green energy with additional nuclear energy power plants and other advanced energy generation and infrastructure.
Read MoreAs the House of Representatives prepares to take up consideration of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, IFTPE urged Representatives to pass this important legislation that supports IFPTE priorities, including energy investments that will significantly reduce carbon emissions, support union jobs in energy and manufacturing, and make sure corporations pay their fair share of taxes.
Read MoreThis week, IFPTE told Senators to vote for the Inflation Reduction Act, legislation that “advances a number of IFPTE’s priorities by making our energy sector cleaner and more resilient, prescription drugs more affordable, and our economy and tax system fairer for all Americans.”
Read MoreIn a statement supporting the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 IFPTE notes that the union “supports the course that this legislation plots for our nation with regard to reducing inflation, lowering prescription drug costs, moving toward a greener economy, and maintaining and growing good paying, union represented jobs.”
Read MoreThis week, Local 1937 Engineering Association President Mike Cavote joined IFPTE Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson and IFPTE President Matt Biggs for a virtual meeting with representatives from the newly established Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
Read MoreThis week, Governor Gavin Newsom approved the expenditure of $75 million to keep the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant running. For decades, this facility has provided good-paying, reliable jobs for hundreds of union members, including those represented by Engineers and Scientists of California (ESC/IFPTE Local 20).
Read MoreThe Society of United Professionals (SUP/IFPTE Local 160) was proud to be part of the 2022 Green Ribbon Panel Report launch. The report, which is the result of collaboration between the Society and groups like Bruce Power, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, the Council of the Great Lakes Region, Pollution Probe, the Power Workers' Union, the Nuclear Innovation Institute and others, outlines practical solutions to address climate change and to build a clean economy.
Read MoreThis week representatives and leaders from the Society of United Professionals (SUP)-Local 160, Engineers and Scientists of California(ESC)-Local 20, and the Engineering Association (EA)-Local 1937 attended the 2022 Nuclear Energy Assembly in Washington, DC.
Read MoreThis week , AFL-CIO unions joined together to call for expanding clean energy union jobs and committing to advanced technology to combat climate change in the Tennessee Valley by passing a convention resolution titled “TVA Eligibility for Department of Energy Grants.”
Read MoreIFPTE sent letters to Congress warning lawmakers that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers unilateral implementation of remote operations of some critical lock and dam infrastructure presents a severe cybersecurity threat.
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