Posts in Infrastructure
IFPTE Supports Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework, Calls for Progressive Offsets to Pay for It

IFPTE Pres. Shearon called the framework “a good first step toward significant infrastructure investment to support millions of good paying, union represented jobs,” adding that Congress must work on adding “progressive offsets to pay for the larger package such as raising the minimum corporate tax, closing corporate tax loopholes that allow multi-nationals like Amazon to pay no taxes at all, and ensuring that our wealthiest wage earners finally pay their fair share in taxes, to help pay for the full scope of our infrastructure needs.”

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Local 196 Visits with New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith

IFPTE Local 196/Atlantic Area Vice President Sean McBride and Local 196 business manager Jimmy Robertello traveled to Washington, DC this week to attend an event with New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith. The Local 196 leaders also met with Pennsylvania Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick.

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IFPTE Urges Lawmakers to Adopt "Job Creating" Funding Formula in Final WRDA Bill

In a letter to key lawmakers who are finalizing the Water Resources and Development Act (WRDA), IFPTE recommends permanent adoption of the 65/35 cost-share practice for inland waterways infrastructure modernization, as it “will provide even more stability for these projects, and, simply put, will continue to be a strong engine of job creation.”

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