Posts in Infrastructure
IFPTE Shares Positions on NDAA Amendments Ahead of House Rules Committee's Consideration

On Friday, the House passed the NDAA without the customary strong bipartisan support that the NDAA has received in years past. The House bill passed with several troubling amendments that would cut health services for armed service members and defund numerous DoD components and civilian positions related to diversity, without considering the impacts.

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TEAM-Local 161 and the CCPA Release Study, "For Whom the Bell Tolls: The Privatization of Manitoba Telecom Services and its Impacts"

On June 20, in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), TEAM - IFPTE Local 161 held a press conference announcing the release chronicling how the privatisation of MTS, once an engine of the Manitoba economy, has resulted in significant job loss, poor rural and northern phone service, and high rates.

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IFPTE Requests Congress Pass the Bipartisan Debt Limit and Budget Legislation

While IFPTE requested Members of the House and Senate vote to pass this bill in order to prevent a U.S. debt default, IFPTE’s letter to Representatives made clear that this bill “will implement unnecessary two-year spending caps that constrains Congress's ability to fund programs, services, and investments that are necessary to support working families and our nation’s economic competitiveness.”

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While White House and Congress Works to Avoid Disastrous Debt Default, IFPTE President Biggs Shares Grave Concerns for Economy, Workers, and IFPTE Members' Jobs

IFPTE President Matthew Biggs spoke to the Kansas City Star and the Washington Post this week to express the union’s grave concerns about the fallout a U.S. debt default would cause across the American and global economies.

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Bell MTS Fails to Live Up to Their Promises - TEAM/Local 161 Urges Manitoba Lawmakers to Hold Them Accountable

On May 15, TEAM/IFPTE Local 161’s Board of Directors traveled to the Manitoba Legislative Building to meet with the Opposition Labour Critic Malaya Marcelino and Opposition Environment & Economic Development Critic Mark Wasyliw to discuss the ongoing erosion of good unionized jobs at Bell MTS.

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IFPTE Meets with John Podesta on Clean Energy Investments 

IFPTE President Matt Biggs, Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson, Assistant to the Executive Officers Brian Kildee, and Legislative Director Faraz Khan met this week with John Podesta, President Biden’s top adviser on clean energy technologies and investments. 

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IFPTE Responds to President Biden’s Fiscal Year 2024 Budget

IFPTE President Biggs commented that President Joe Biden has “lived up to his pledge once again by putting forward a budget that will decrease the national deficit, and do so while protecting and strengthening the programs that working families and retirees across the nation depend so heavily on. “

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IFPTE Endorses Reps. Sánchez, Pascrell, and 182 Representatives' Letter to Commerce Dept. Urging Federal Funds Support Commitment to High-Skilled STEM Jobs and High-Road Labor Practices

184 Members of Congress joined a comment letter to the U.S. Department of Commerce requesting that federal investments flowing from the CHIPS and Science Act require strong labor standards, commitments to workforce development, support good paying union jobs, and benefit American workers.

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IFPTE Applauds the Introduction of the Saving Our Civil Service Act and Urges Congress to Pass This Necessary Anti-Corruption Bill

IFPTE executive officers issued a statement supporting the Saving Our Civil Service Act, legislation introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate that limits a presidential administration’s ability to convert civil service positions into excepted service positions, undermine merit system principles, and fire federal employees without due process or cause.

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IFPTE Requests Senate Passage of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill, Which Includes Several Union Priorities

IFPTE urged Senators to pass the omnibus government funding package which includes several funding and policy priorities that IFPTE advocated for. The current short-term government funding measure expires on December 23.

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Ahead of Congressional Passage, IFPTE Requests House Vote for National Defense Authorization Act for 2023

Ahead of a vote in the House of Representatives to pass the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, IFPTE asked Representatives to vote for the legislation which includes “continued infrastructure investments for Navy shipyards, depots, and other DOD facilities,” the Water Resources Development Act, and other IFPTE priorities.

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IFPTE Urges Congress to Pass Omnibus Budget that Supports Working Families

This week, IFPTE reached out to members of the House of Representatives and the Senate to urge, in the strongest terms possible, to avoid a government shutdown and pass a fiscal year (FY) 2023 government funding budget that supports the priorities and needs of working Americans and retirees.

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