Posts tagged COVID-19
IFPTE Urges YES Vote on Latest Version of the HEROES Act

While making clear the union’s preference for the original, more robust COVID relief package, IFPTE writes that “given that the White House and Senate Majority Leader McConnell have inexplicably continued to block the original HEROES Act, we think that this latest, scaled down version will provide much needed, immediate relief to working families.”

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IFPTEHeroes Act, COVID-19
Vallejo Pens Op-Ed: "2008 Offers Key Lessons for COVID Recession"

In an opinion column in the San Francisco Examiner this week comparing the 2008 economic collapse to the current COVID related recession, IFPTE Local 21 President Gus Vallejo wrote that, “leaving in place a municipal financing model that is heavily reliant on sales and use taxes—local politicians left communities unprotected from an economic shutdown event like COVID 19."

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A Feminist Response to COVID-19 (WSN Spotlight)

A group of Canadian feminist organizations have developed a comprehensive guide for actions Canada can take locally and globally in response to the pandemic. The IFPTE Women’s Solidarity Network came across this newly released brief last week and it is definitely a must share item!

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