While making clear the union’s preference for the original, more robust COVID relief package, IFPTE writes that “given that the White House and Senate Majority Leader McConnell have inexplicably continued to block the original HEROES Act, we think that this latest, scaled down version will provide much needed, immediate relief to working families.”
Read MoreThe coronavirus pandemic is stretching Millennial parents to the breaking point and may set women in the labor force back decades.
Read MoreJoin the Ontario Federation of Labour for a workshop on October 13 & 15 to discuss health and safety in COVID-19. This 2-part series will bring health and safety activists together to explore, find, and harness our inner knowledge activist self for the COVID-19 battle we are embroiled in.
Read MoreCanada’s unions applauded the inclusion of job-protected sick leave in the ‘Safe Restart’ agreement recently reached between the federal, provincial and territorial governments.
Read MorePersonal safety is paramount in the current pandemic crisis we’re in. The Women’s Solidarity Network (WSN) is spotlighting an interactive webinar organized by the Women's Initiatives for Safer Environments on how you can be proactive with your personal safety during COVID-19.
Read MoreWith women responsible for the bulk of family care, middle-aged adult daughters are feeling the intensified pressure of simultaneously looking after their own children and older parents during this pandemic. Balancing their paid work while being a mother and caregiver, women are also assuming the role of teacher with school closures.
Read MoreWe are living in unprecedented and uncharted times. The murder of George Floyd and the invasion of the COVID-19 pandemic has spawned a worldwide uprising to confront systemic racism and discrimination.
Read MoreThrough aggressive, grass-roots advocacy, IFPTE Local 21 has won major new COVID-19 benefits for their members. The gains in Costra Costa County include significant increases in sick pay and full salaries for non-essential workers through May 31st.
Read MoreCOVID-19 has brought about drastic changes to our daily lives. Changes at work, home and in our communities have left many of us feeling stressed and overwhelmed from juggling increased demands to anticipating what life will look like next week or month while navigating the unknown social, economic and political terrain the pandemic has thrust us into.
Read MoreThe Ontario Federation of Labour and the Fight for $15 and Fairness have been co-hosting online meetings every 4 weeks to discuss “The new normal - Winning decent work for all under COVID-19”. The next one is scheduled for July 21 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm EDT.
Read MoreIn response to the NLRB’s recent decision to force in-person voting for union elections during the COVID-19 pandemic, IFPTE endorsed the bipartisan Levin/Fitzpatrick SAFE Workers Act to reverse, “the NLRB prohibition of electronic voting for union elections.”
Read MoreIn an opinion column in the San Francisco Examiner this week comparing the 2008 economic collapse to the current COVID related recession, IFPTE Local 21 President Gus Vallejo wrote that, “leaving in place a municipal financing model that is heavily reliant on sales and use taxes—local politicians left communities unprotected from an economic shutdown event like COVID 19."
Read MoreThe Canadian Labour Congress has made a submission to the United Nations on COVID-19 and the increase of domestic violence against women
Read MoreAhead of July 4th congressional recess, IFPTE reached out to Senators with economic and safety priorities that are needed in the face of the continuing pandemic and economic crisis.
Read MoreA group of Canadian feminist organizations have developed a comprehensive guide for actions Canada can take locally and globally in response to the pandemic. The IFPTE Women’s Solidarity Network came across this newly released brief last week and it is definitely a must share item!
Read MoreJoin Canadian Labour Congress President, Hassan Yussuff, as he provides an update on what Canada’s unions have been doing to ensure workers are central to the government’s pandemic response and recovery plans.
Read MoreThis page lists resources for general information and appropriate precautions for workplaces. Under Canadian and U.S. law, all employers have a general duty to provide a safe workplace for their employees.
Read MoreIFPTE Locals across the country participated in the AFL-CIO’s Workers Caravan on Wednesday. The events, which totaled more than 300 in communities across the United States, demanded action by elected lawmakers to address the health & economic crisis and racial & economic injustices facing our nation
Read MoreOn June 23, join the Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) and the Fight for $15 and Fairness for online organizing meeting centered around wages and working conditions of front-line workers who keep us fed, cared for, and protected.
Read MoreThe Ontario Federation of Labour (OFL) is calling on the Government of Ontario to fund, collect, and publish provincial data on the impacts of COVID-19 on Indigenous, Black, and other racialized Ontarians.
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