Posts tagged IFPTE Local 160
SUP-Local 160 Weighs In on Provincial and Federal Budgets, Calls for Investments in Pandemic Recovery, Decarbonization and Access to Justice

The Society of United Professionals (SUP), IFPTE Local 160 is pressing the Ontario provincial and federal governments for pandemic recovery, decarbonization of transportation and energy systems, and access to justice measures in their respective budgets. These priorities were outlined in the Society’s budget consultation submission to each government.

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SUP Recognizes Orange Shirt Day

Every September 30, communities and organizations all over Canada participate in Orange Shirt Day. Established in 2013, Orange Shirt Day was created to educate people and promote awareness in Canada about the Indian residential school system and the impact it has had on Indigenous communities for over a century.

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IFPTEIFPTE Local 160, SUP, Canada