Posts tagged CLC
IFPTE Applauds Canadian Labour Congress’ Call for Prioritizing Reconciliation on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

In marking this historic day, Canadian Labour of Congress (CLC) President, Bea Bruske issued a strong statement, noting that labour is “committed to working toward reconciliation with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and we stand in solidarity with them.”

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Bea Bruske, Newly Elected Canadian Labour Congress President, Shares Her Vision for the Labour Movement with IFPTE

Just weeks after being elected President of the CLC, Bea Bruske took time last week to sit down with IFPTE International Representative David Sauer and discuss her vision for the future of Canada’s labour movement, share her take on the key Canadian industries that employ thousands of IFPTE members, and discuss how she see’s Canada’s unions working more cohesively together.

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