SPEEA associate member and former IFPTE Vice President, Donna Lehane, was sworn in last month as a Vice President for the Kansas AFL-CIO.
Read MoreThis week we received a progress update on the work that Liz Shuler and her leadership team have accomplished at the AFL-CIO in their first 100 days.
Read MoreThe New Jersey Governor’s race was one that was being closely watched around the country. The contentious race against Republican challenger and former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli was a close one, but the support of labor ultimately pushed Governor Murphy to the finish line. Governor Murphy was the first democratic Governor to be reelected in New Jersey for a second term in 44 years. November 8 was the final day for mail-in ballots to arrive and it is estimated that about 57,000 provisional ballots are left to be counted. Ciattarelli has yet to concede the race.
Read MoreThe AFL-CIO Executive Council celebrated the service of Paul Shearon, retired international president of the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers.
Read MorePresident Matt Biggs and Legislative Director Faraz Khan attended a talk by AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler, at the National Press Club (NPC) this week.
Read MoreShuler, who was serving as interim President/Secretary-Treasurer following the sudden passing of President Trumka, is the first woman to lead America's labor federation. Read IFPTE executive officers’ comments on President Shuler’s election to lead the AFL-CIO.
Read MoreLiz Shuler, the Acting President of the 11 million-member AFL-CIO, and Bea Bruske, the President of the 3.3 million-member Canadian Labour Congress, addressed the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) convention Tuesday afternoon. Shuler, who had previously served as the AFL-CIO’s secretary-treasurer, became the leader of the U.S. labor federation after the loss of Richard Trumka to a fatal heart attack last week. Bruske was elected president of Canada’s labor federation in June. This is the first time the two top leaders of the North American labor movement are both women.
Read MoreIFPTE President Paul Shearon: “The news of Rich Trumka’s passing is a terrible loss to the members of our union and for all workers. He was the leading voice for America’s workers, many of whom, despite their hard work, struggle day in and day out to provide for their families.”
Read MorePresident Paul Shearon issued a statement on behalf of the IFPTE family honoring former AFL-CIO President John Sweeney following his passing.
Read MoreWe are sad to report the passing of Byron Charlton, AFL-CIO legislative representative and friend to IFPTE.
Read MoreLarry Willis was America’s leading voice on behalf of America’s transportation industry workers.
Read MoreOn Tuesday, September 15, faith, civil rights, and labor movements will mark the 57th anniversary of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama with a candlelight vigil and ten-point pledge for social, racial and economic justice. IFPTE invites you to join us in this commitment through one or all of the following actions.
Read MoreAFL-CIO President Richard Trumka led a letter signed by many of America’s labor leaders, including IFPTE President Paul Shearon, informing Congress of the five economic essentials that must be at the center of the CARES 2 package.
Read MoreAFL-CIO Urges House to Pass CARES Act
Read MoreThe AFL-CIO Executive Council, which IFPTE President Paul Shearon serves on, approved a comprehensive statement this week demanding “action at the scale and with the urgency that this pandemic demands,” while the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), which Canadian Area VP/Local 160 President Scott Travers serves on, is “calling on all levels of government to provide adequate supports for workers and their families as the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic reverberate in communities and throughout the economy.
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