Posts tagged AFL-CIO
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Re-Elected for a Second Term

The New Jersey Governor’s race was one that was being closely watched around the country. The contentious race against Republican challenger and former Assemblyman Jack Ciattarelli was a close one, but the support of labor ultimately pushed Governor Murphy to the finish line. Governor Murphy was the first democratic Governor to be reelected in New Jersey for a second term in 44 years. November 8 was the final day for mail-in ballots to arrive and it is estimated that about 57,000 provisional ballots are left to be counted. Ciattarelli has yet to concede the race.

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Here’s a First: First Time in History Women Hold Two Top Positions in the North American Labor Movement

Liz Shuler, the Acting President of the 11 million-member AFL-CIO, and Bea Bruske, the President of the 3.3 million-member Canadian Labour Congress, addressed the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE) convention Tuesday afternoon. Shuler, who had previously served as the AFL-CIO’s secretary-treasurer, became the leader of the U.S. labor federation after the loss of Richard Trumka to a fatal heart attack last week. Bruske was elected president of Canada’s labor federation in June. This is the first time the two top leaders of the North American labor movement are both women.

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AFL-CIO, CLC Call for Worker Centric Aid Packages in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

The AFL-CIO Executive Council, which IFPTE President Paul Shearon serves on, approved a comprehensive statement this week demanding “action at the scale and with the urgency that this pandemic demands,” while the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), which Canadian Area VP/Local 160 President Scott Travers serves on, is “calling on all levels of government to provide adequate supports for workers and their families as the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic reverberate in communities and throughout the economy.

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