IFPTE Meets with Senator Susan Collins – Thanks Her for Her Support of Federal Workers, Local 4 Members
IFPTE Legislative Director, Faraz Khan, Senator Susan Collins, and IFPTE President Matthew Biggs.
IFPTE President Matt Biggs and Legislative Director, Faraz Khan, met with Maine Senator, Susan Collins, last Friday to discuss key issues facing federal workers, including those represented by Local 4 at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard.
The meeting included discussions about the current predicament facing federal workers involving the aggressive agenda by the Trump Administration to dismantle the federal civil service. President Matt Biggs commented: “Whether it was her positions as Chair or Ranking Member on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, having direct jurisdiction over federal employee issues, or her positions on the appropriations and armed services committees, Senator Collins has always been a strong and unapologetic supporter of IFPTE members, and our nation’s federal workers overall. Not surprisingly, she reiterated that in discussions.”
Legislative Director, Faraz Khan, also commented: “Senator Collins is indeed one of the most respected and calming voices in the Unites States Congress. She puts the interests of her constituents, and the workers ahead of all else. Our meeting reinforced that.” Most recently Senator Collins was the co-author of the recently passed bipartisan law, the Social Security Fairness Act.