IFPTE Says "THANK YOU" to Labor Secretary Julie Su
The AFL-CIO held a ceremony this week in Washington, DC to thank Department of Labor Secretary, Julie Su, who will be leaving her post as the Biden Administration’s term comes to a close.
President Biggs pictured with Secretary Su during her official portrait unveiling at the AFL-CIO on Monday night.
The event at the AFL-CIO headquarters featured presentations and testimonials in honor of Secretary Su from AFL-CIO president, Liz Shuler, as well as many of the workers who Su defended and represented throughout her career, including Thai workers in the garment industry who were tragically trafficked to the United States and put into indentured servitude by their employer.
IFPTE’s executive officers offered their appreciation to Secretary Su.
President Matt Biggs: “When it comes to being an unapologetic supporter of the working class and labor unions in the United States, Secretary Su has undoubtedly been the premier labor secretary of our time. She has been a true friend to IFPTE and our membership in particular, and whether it was standing up to the Boeing Company, or taking on other federal agencies who were slow to implement President Biden’s pro-worker policies throughout the federal government, she was always there for us. Overall, her commitment to justice and equity is unwavering! We will certainly miss her and wish her and her family the best as she leaves her post at Labor.”
Secretary-Treasurer Gay Henson: “I have and will continue to say that Secretary Su is one of us! She is a true Trade Unionist to her core and she proved that as Labor Secretary. A perfect example is when she stepped in during the Kaiser Permanente Coalition of Unions strike against Kaiser last year. Secretary Su facilitated an agreement in the wee hours of the morning in which the striking workers, including those represented by ESC/IFPTE Local 20, won a 21% wage increase. Secretary Su will no doubt continue her career fighting for workers and we wish her much success and support.”
Learn more about Secretary Julie Su here.